- Am I a Good Candidate For Stem Cell Therapy?
The procedure is not for everyone. You need to be evaluated for anatomic alignment, kinetic chain dysfunction, nutritional status, body mass index (BMI), and underlying inflammatory disorders. - Are You Certified by a Specialty Board to Treat Orthopedic Disorders?
Not all physicians have the training and expertise to perform stem cell treatment. Physicians who specialize in orthopedic surgery and interventional pain medicine have completed extensive training to be able to perform these injections safely and accurately. At the Athletic Institute of Medicine, you will be evaluated and treated by a board certified orthopedic surgeon. - Where are the Stem Cells Being Derived From?
There are only four sources of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Three are obtained from your body and are called adult mesenchymal stem cells. They are harvested from either your bone marrow, subcutaneous adipose or the fat pad in your knee. The forth source of mesenchymal stem cells are derived from healthy live birth umbilical cords or amniotic products that undergo extensive testing to ensure safety. There is a relatively new biologic derived from the placenta, called Placenta Derived Protein Array (PDPA), which is a collection of bioactive proteins derived from the placenta. Unlike adult mesenchymal stem cells, umbilical and amnionic products, PDPA has no active cells or DNA and relies solely on its bioactive proteins to turn on cells in damaged tissue. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now regulates these products either as a category 351 or a 361. In order for the provider to be compliant, they must have a biologic license or be under an Investigational New Drug (IND) Application which is a clinical plan allowed by the FDA for a 351 status for a drug or biologic pathway. In order for a tissue product to have a 361 designation it must be “minimally manipulated and for “homologous use. - Are the Cells Properly Tested for Validity by an Independent Laboratory?
If you use post-natal mesenchymal stem cells, it will be important to make sure the laboratory where the stem cells are processed undergo independent laboratory validation to help assure the products safety, purity, and strength. - How are the Cells being Administered to Assure Proper Placement?
To ensure accuracy of the stem cell placement, it is important to use either ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance. - Do You Perform a Dietary and Kinetic Chain Evaluation Prior to Stem Cell Therapy?
To help optimize results, it is vital to evaluate your kinetic chain (how the body connects from head to toe), nutrition status, and stress levels. At the Athletic Institute of Medicine, you will be evaluated by a multi-specialty team to assure that you would be a good candidate to receive stem cell therapy. - Do You Use Proprietary Standardized Health Questionnaires to Evaluate the Efficacy of the Treatment?
Answers to these questionnaires will validate the effectiveness of the stem cell therapy. This will provide solid clinical evidence that your treatment was successful.